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Why do you post so much free music?

Joaquin: “Because if we had to wait a prescribed time period between paid releases like every other band we’d go fricken nuts. This is DIY baby. No rules. We do what we want [and record what we want] as we please. And our overheads are low, so why not share the love. We’re not going to be stupid and claim our music will always be free, but right now we’re giving souls.”


Are you guys misogynists?

Jurgen: “Preposterous! There are no greater lovers of women – in all of their glorious forms – than my brother and I. If you listen closely to our songs, more often than not it is the man who is shown up as the weaker of the sexes. We’re strictly vagitarians.”



Are you guys actually brothers?

Jurgen: “Is Jesus real? Next question!”

Joaquin: “We may not have come from the same womb, but we definitely both fell out of vaginas – so that’s a yes!”


Why so few live performances?

Joaquin: “We may flood the market with music, but as far as appearances are concerned, it really is a case of less is more. We’d rather make each show – when they happen - something special, rather than end up being that band you can see every weekend. The reality is you eventually stop going to see that band, because you know if you miss them this weekend you can always seem them the week after. Eventually no one goes to see them and they stop getting booked to play.”


Why so many songs about wanking?

Jurgen: “Well you know what they say, only one out of 10 blokes will admit it and the other nine are liars. No point hiding from the truth … we’re a pair of short-sighted palm-shavers from way back.”

Were you guys in a death metal band?

Jurgen: “In another life – when we went by different names (Joaquin: And one of us had more hair) – we were indeed in an experimental death metal band. We played around the Sydney scene in the mid-90s and our claim to fame was having served as support on one occasion for the mighty Mortal Sin … yeah, we were legends.”

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